Our Closing Letter

It is with so many mixed emotions that I am announcing our closure. 
Over the last 6.5 years, I (and then we!) have had the incredible honor of being your go-to for gifting. From a small urge that I had in 2017 to start a fun “side hustle”, to launching a gifting e-commerce shop while working in corporate retail, to late nights packaging orders alone in my spare bedroom, to a full blown team - completing projects for major corporations, small businesses, and individual gifting occasions alike - this journey of scaling Bocu from dream to success has been an absolute joy. 

I’ve sadly seen so many retailers close their doors & websites down over the last few years as a result of the challenging economy. (Supporting your favorite small businesses continues to be more important than ever).

But - I am happy to say that this is not our story. 

We’re actually closing on a high…!

We have been growing.
Sales have been strong. 

So - you may be wondering - OK but then what’s the deal?
Why are you closing? 

Here’s the story (and if you don't want the whole story that's ok... just skip down to the bottom of this message for the fun ;))

As with everything in life, we must always be honest with ourselves in order to find our true happiness and purpose. As the founder and leader of this business - I have had to be very honest with myself around what really lights my soul on fire. What I feel called to. 

As you may know, in addition to my passion for Bocu, I am also a Retail & Product Strategy Mentor to independent brands and makers. Over the past few years, it is this work that has absolutely changed the game for me. I’ve recognized that this is my path - I absolutely LOVE supporting female founders to grow their brands.

As much as I deeply love and care about this small business, I know that I have to make a choice to feel truly fulfilled and make the impact that I know I want to make.

Many founders are able to successfully juggle two or more businesses. I've found that I, however, am an all or nothing kinda person.
I am choosing to close the door on one fantastic thing to lean fully into the other. I'm going all-in.

It has been an absolute honor to be a part of your life moments & celebrations. 

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your relationships and to grow this small business into something more than I could have ever dreamed. 

Thank you for telling your friends about us. 

Thank you for just being here and cheering us on over the years. 

I am deeply grateful. 
Please join us in celebrating our success & next chapter with a Farewell Sale

All single products are 40% OFF HERE (no code needed, discount will apply automatically in your cart)
You can also shop limited Mystery Bundles HERE

The sale will run for about 2 weeks (thru 9/22) or until we sell out! 

There are so many cute things from incredible small, women-owned brands that I would love to see go to a good home.

If you have ever just wanted to buy a few items for yourself, now is your chance! Thanks for supporting us this one last time. 

Merci & Au Revoir!

- Kristin Fisher

Bocu Founder

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we're saying au revoir

Shop our 40% OFF Farewell sale until 9/22 (or until we sell out!)

shop the farewell sale